26 years of doula services, empowering parents and training doulas
serving the greater Jerusalem area
In the News

About Sarah
Moving to Israel, marrying and pregnant with my first, I took a "natural" childbirth course. Of course I wanted to be as prepared as possible. A friend and teacher assisted me through the labor, making a big difference in my positive feelings after the birth. What wasn't so positive was the healing that had to be done to my perineum floor. I was told in my class that first time moms needed scissors to "help" get the baby out. Little did I know until years later, this was not the case.
Twelve years later, moving to Jerusalem and attending my first doula training, I was on fire to inform women of truths in the birthing process. I opened many libraries, created CDs from Reb' Yitti Neustadt and became a doula trainer.

Sarah's Books
Sarah's inspirational and informative books: Special Delivery, More Special Deliveries and A Doula’s Journey; Into the World of Birth, serve to provide women with strength as they enter motherhood.
Books may be ordered via Amazon from the links below. To order directly from the author, click here to order privately.
A Doula’s Journey

IN THIS CAPTIVATING chronicle of a doula, Sarah Goldstein reminisces about being on call to serve women before, during and after labor. There are no breaks or time off in this profession, especially while having attended over 1500 births! It is a memoir that both the novice and the informed will be unable to put down.
Often torn between her life’s calling, and her family, Sarah is further challenged by being in a ‘sandwich generation’. She is raising six children while caring for her degenerating Alzheimer’s mother. Yet with family support at the most trying of times, she experiences both the trials and triumphs of facilitating mothers in bringing their newborns into the world. (Click here to read an excerpt.)
Special Delivery

A wonderful collection of real-life birth stories and practical advice from a certified and experienced labor assistant.
Sensitive and insightful, and often funny, these true-life stories illustrate how faith in G-d and the support of our family and friends can turn challenging moments into positive, memorable experiences.
More Special Deliveries

Brimming with sensitivity, insight, and humor this new book gives us more fascinating true-life birth stories and is a celebration of the miracle that is birth.
Join Chana on her memorable horse-and-buggy ride on an unpaved mountain road on her way to the hospital. Share women’s fascinating experiences of their home births. Rejoice with women who give birth after years of waiting.
Cheer for those, after years surgical births, have finally given birth naturally. Medical information, tips, and the latest research findings on a host of vital topics also included.